ADI / PDI Training 

Driving Instructor Training

Are you looking to become a Driving Instructor, or are you a Driving Instructor looking for some additional training?

Well you've come to the right place.

We offer packages to suit either or.
We can offer packages that cost nothing for the training (other than the exams you will have to take with the DVSA)
but the package comes with terms, signing you in to a franchise contract with us for 18 months.
This isn't a bad thing, as you'll have us to back you up whilst you're still growing into a new career.
We'll help you adjust into possibly running your own business for the first time and how, should you choose after your franchise period to go it alone, you'll need to account for your turnover, paying taxes, national insurance, keeping good accounts, advertising etc.
Or you can undergo a paid package that will allow you to pay a fee up front at a discounted price or in stage payments as you cover each stage of the training but at a slightly increased price to paying in full at the start.

As a fully qualified instructor who is possibly looking for additional training or looking to join our team there are also different packages to suit your requirements.
If it is additional training you are looking at taking, these can be paid for on a daily basis as and when you take the training.
Or if you are looking at joining our team and becoming one of our instructors then there are a couple of different packages available.
Most of the price differences are down to whether you have your own vehicle or whether you are looking at us supplying you a vehicle.

We pride ourselves not only as an excellent company offering an excellent service to our customers, but we want to stand out from the rest as well.

You don't need to be with a Multi-national company to be good.

And it's why we have a fully comprehensive website, why we wear a company uniform, why our vehicles have livery, why all our pupils are supplied a free curriculum pack, why they all have a free pupil app, why they can have lessons devoted to purely theory, and why during the summer months we offer basic maintenance session to our pupils to increase their knowledge of their cars and help save them money in the future.

Our fully comprehensive website for our learners to use gives them a place where they can revise, reflect, renew information and request for new items to be added as well, along with our Youtube page for a vast array of back up videos.
All our students are supplied with an 82 page full colour curriculum pack during their training, along with a free pupil app to allow them to keep track or their lessons, payments, progress, feedback, resources, route tracking and much more.
We also pride ourselves on looking professional, therefore all our stationery is branded as are our daily uniforms, with polo shirts,
and jackets carrying the company logo.
All our vehicles are livered with company brand, drivers name, phone number and website details because we want to be seen as a professional company and not one that might be school of Mum & Dad. When people see our vehicles, there's no disputing its a proper driving school.
We are visible on the DVSA database so that learners can "check us out for legitimacy" before signing up with us.

We want our instructors to shine in the industry and be the market leaders in supplying professional advice and training at all times. 
Therefore, we carry out regular instructor training and CPD events to keep them well up to date with changes in the industry.
If at any stage during your time with us, you feel out of your depth we will happily carry out one to one sessions to engage with you to help get you back on track. You don't just qualify with us and then get left to your own devices.
We want to ensure that at all stage of your training you have the backup you deserve and never entering one of the DVSA test feeling that you're on your own.
We want you to feel part of the team and be proud that you are indeed a valid and essential member of the team.

If a change of career is what you are looking for, then you can train at times to suit you and whilst you remain in your current job.
That way you don't risk quitting and then find out becoming a driving instructor is not for you.
It definitely is not for everyone and the truth of claims that 55k is an easy wage is not necessarily reality.
Of course it's possible to earn that sort of money but you have to find a suitable line between work and play.
Working all the hours you can, to earn 55k would leave you quite exhausted and not necessarily running at your full game.
That in turn will reflect on the quality of the lessons you deliver, and if your not delivering quality lessons people will know about it very quickly.
You'll  need to understand, that as a driving instructor you will be self employed and things like running costs, tax and national insurance etc are all overheads that will need to be deducted from a 55k income.

Our guidelines would be that a maximum of 6 hours a day in lessons would be a good target to aim for to give you a good work/ life balance.
Carrying out 5 day a week with those hours would give you a 30 hour week.
Or should we say 30 hours of paid work, you'll need to consider travel time to and from your pupils which may add an additional 30 mins for each journey which you won't be being paid for, so let's assume 3 sessions a day at 2 hours long plus an hour of time per pupil for travelling
( you wouldn't want to be travelling any further than 30 mins from your home address to
a pupil as this is lost money for fuel and your time that you're not being paid for)
but this still then ends up as a 9 hour day
9 Hours max 5 days a week equates to a 45 hour week but you're only actually being paid for 30 of those hours at £37 per hour
£37 x 30 hours = £1,110 per week x 52 weeks of the year = £57,720
But you'll need holiday...... and you will need it to wind down!
lets say a minimum of 2 weeks a year that will drop your turnover to £55,500
Then think of tax at 20% and you national insurance payments.
That's all going to come off of that £55,550 figure before you think about fuel, servicing, repairs etc.
So please don't jump into a new job thinking it's all roses.
It is without a doubt a very rewarding career, but also one that is mentally draining, can be extremely stressful at times,
and may have you working at some unsociable hours.
We will endeavour to make your change in career as comfortable as we possibly can, but we do expect standards.
We have built a reputation within our community that stands for quality always!
And to be part of our team we would expect that at all times.
If you'd like to be part of that quality and professionalism and part of a name that thrives on both, then we would be happy to have you onboard.

Feel free to call us, have a chat, or come and see us have a coffee and chat to fully explain how the industry works and whether it would work for you.

Call us on 07765510704 to discuss
Or email us

It is a very rewarding career both financially and from a point of seeing your students achieve their independence, but it's not all roses.
Before making a decision, make a list of the Pro's and Con's of becoming self employed and what it would mean to you and your family.

There are various paths to becoming an Approved Driving Instructor.
Chat with us so we can work with you to find a path that suits you.
Learn how to build your skills in problem-solving, creative thinking, or learning methods to help you help your clients and build their ability to make decisions and solutions to become the best drivers.

We'll help you learn how to run your own business, diary management, accounting, time-keeping, and build a good work-life balance that suits you.